From Howth to Bray…discover Dublin coastal route (pt.1)!
ISo, you’ve already visited Dublin main attractions and enjoyed its vibrant nightlife. You’ve listened to Irish music, tried all different kinds of beer and now you just need a little bit of relaxation! Well, why not enjoy the stunning scenery on Dublin’s coastal route.
Getting around the Dublin area is easy. Just jump on the coastal train, the DART, and explore the beautiful villages and the amazing landscapes that Ireland can offer.
The DART runs along the Irish coast for much of its journey, making for one of the most scenic suburban rail routes in Europe.
1st stop : Howth
Howth is a fishing and yachting port and a popular resort on the north side of Howth Head, 15km north-east of the city centre. Its attractions are easily appreciated, particularly at the coast. Howth Head gives fine views of Dublin Bay and the Wicklow Mountains or Boyne Valley beyond. In the bay you can see the rocky bird sanctuary and monastic island of Ireland’s eye, to which boat trips may be taken in summer. Cliff paths
lead around the coastline, through Howth village and the ruins of its abbey, and past Baily Lighthouse. The 15th-century Howth Castle is inland, partly ruinous, but with fine rhododendron gardens. Howth’s pubs, hotels and fish restaurants make it a pleasant outing from Dublin. And as the legend says, Howth is Molly Malone’s home town (cockles and mussels alive-alive-oh!)
Our suggestion:
Take the DART towards Howth. When you arrive, walk to the 1st pier. Close to the boats you’ll probably spot the seals looking for food and you’ll see Ireland’s eye island. Then, follow the walk to get to the cliffs.After a while you’ll see Martello Tower, a small defensive fortress. Follow the way until the cliff path begins. At this stage you have 3 different path options: the cliffs path loops, the black linn loop and the bog of the frogs.
Enjoy the stunning views of Howth and have a break when you see the old lighthouse and enjoy the panorama of the whole of Dublin bay. Before taking the DART to get back to the city centre, don’t forget to have a pint: there is a pub just next to the station!
Our next stop will be Clontarf… stay tuned!
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Travelling Languages…Your language school on the road.